Goliath CNC is coming soon: join the waiting list!

Project Update #24


Product development

First deliveries + Website and YouTube updates + next steps

Hello everybody,

we hope you and your loved ones are fine and safe in this difficult time.
Here in Italy there are several restrictions due to the Covid-19 outbreak, but we keep working at our best.

First deliveries

We are so excited to announce that we started shipping and delivering the first 100 Goliath!

It’s an important milestone and we are so thankful for the support and understanding during these years of all our backers and our fans.

Now here we are: the first boxes left our warehouse and this is thrilling!

The packing continues and we are going to ship all the first 100 robots by the second week of December, so the first backers will receive their robot before Christmas.

Website update: software and tutorial pages

While we are closing the last boxes, we have also updated our website, to give you a better experience while browsing. You can find useful contents and you can easily contact us for information and support.


Now there is a new page where we uploaded some videos explaining the flow you should follow when receiving Goliath: from the unboxing to the overview of Goliath and Slingshot, till the setup of your working area.

Also, there is an easy peasy test file that we suggest to use to test Goliath for the first time. It’s possible to download the test file directly from this page and import it in Slingshot!

On our official YouTube page there are all the Tutorial videos we prepared at the moment. There are also some how to’s videos, useful to learn how to use both the robot and software.

Our official YouTube channel

For us it is important to have the feedback and opinions from all our backers, so we can understand what to focus on and what kind of materials and information could be useful to help all the users make the most of Goliath. So please, have a look at our channels and videos and feel free to let us know how what kind of contents you would need!

Software download

Now it is possible to download Slingshot – the CAM software designed to work with Goliath!

At this page there is the download button: https://goliathcnc.com/product/software/

Here you will always find the updated version of the software, with solved bugs or improvements. In this way every user will always be able to update Slingshot with the very last version available!

As already said, to make it easier to start working with Goliath, on this page there is also the button to download the test file.

To download Slingshot, you will need the serial numbers of both your Goliath and your tower sensors. That’s because for two main reasons: firstly, because we want to reserve these first releases only to the actual customers because Slingshot will need further developments and so we don’t want to diffuse it too much at this stage. The second reason is that we can have feedback on who actually starts using Goliath by monitoring the downloads of the software.

In the meantime, if you want to do some practice with Slingshot, we are preparing a trial version which will be available in the next weeks. Here you will be able to create your own designs or import your svg files in the software, simulating the creation of a project. Also, the trial version will be useful to have an overview on the software and to approach all its features.

Main workspace in Slingshot

We already spoliered some of the main features in the video tutorials about Slingshot. Check them out!

Production and shipment phase: next steps

We keep working on the R&D side to solve the issues we found out last month, to make all the necessary improvements, and enhance the production of the future batches too.

The mass production is still going on. We are now working on the production of the second batch so we can ship Goliath to all our backers by the end of the first quarter of 2021. 

We will start ordering the electronic boards and the components with the highest lead time in the upcoming weeks, to start the assembly of the new batches at the beginning of the new year.

Thank you everybody for your support.

All the best,

Lorenzo, Alessandro, and Davide
and the whole Springa team

You, Our community

Collectively, we are part of a greater project.

Collaborative by design, Goliath is the exemplification of teamwork and the result of a learning by doing process. Be a proud member of our community so you can inspire and be inspired by others.
Be part of the project, share your ideas.