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Project Update #36


Product development

Assembly + software and firmware updates + projects and events

Hi everyone,
here we are with the monthly update to give you an overview of how things are going with assembly, shipments, and R&D activities. You will also find insights into the latest software and firmware releases that are now available, solving many issues and improving the user experience with Slingshot and Goliath.
Last but not least, we tell you about some in-progress activities including our latest project and two cool events we planned!

Assembly and production

This month we continued with the usual testing and assembly phase. At the production level, the team has also been busy working on returning some Goliaths that have shown issues or malfunctions to see what went wrong.

The R&D team is highly focused on improving some parts of Goliath. In particular, we are studying some modifications to simplify the assembly phase:

  • We want to replace a pin located in the spindle protection with a threaded insert that will give fewer problems during assembly.
  • We are considering customizing a key component located on the top of Goliath (where the power cable is). This is currently a standard component, but it often causes issues during assembly. Customization would make the assembly process easier.
  • We are also working on the tower sensor test bench, which is now more user-friendly to make testing much smoother.

In addition, we are working with a specialized external company to design a new dust collector bin with the aim of increasing performance, as well as making it easier to assemble it.

Unfortunately, we have suffered some delays in the delivery of some machined metal parts due to raw material supply problems. The power cord stands are also delayed due to logistics problems with our suppliers. We are monitoring all shipments and pressing for them to arrive at our warehouse as soon as possible.
In the meantime, we have planned to ship the last batch of motors, which will be on its way next month to finish all the engine pre-assemblies.

Shipping process

Shipments are flowing, the warehouse is filling and emptying smoothly. Actually, now shipment management has been placed in the hands of the subcontractor who, by interfacing directly with production, will be able to make the shipment process more efficient and faster.

Software and Firmware


Earlier this week we released the latest software update [1.7.8], you should receive a notification of update when you open the software (or you can download it directly from here). In this latest release, we have made some improvements to resolve a number of issues. Below is all the work we have made:


  • Import of .svg groups.
  • Recommended depth per pass value now changes when changing the selected bit.


  • Removed unnecessary empty dust bin operation at the end of a job.
  • The area between the two towers is no longer valid for panel extension.
  • Fix for bug causing Goliath to move to another track before lifting the z-axis.
  • Fix for Slingshot hanging during the shutdown, blocking new instances from opening.
  • Improved precision when loading a track, to determine if it’s open or not;


  • Slingshot can be used again without a full restart after finishing a job.
  • Improved tower status UI in production.
  • Updated Goliath default settings.
  • Improved tracks auto-sort logic, in order to minimize movement between tracks.
  • Updated correct bit values.

In addition, we are also working with some external agencies to study some changes in the design of the interfaces to make them more intuitive, in order to improve the user experience.


Is now available the latest version of the firmware [01.01.00].
We highly suggest you download it as soon as possible to enjoy all the improvements we worked on!

Here are the major ones:


  • Additional check on the trajectory of Goliath: in order to increase the safety of the system even more, together with Slingshot, also FW checks if the trajectory stays within panel size, if Goliath surpasses the panel borders it will remain at that border and it will terminate the work process.
  • New command by double click on the yellow button: now the double click on the button of Goliath brings the spindle up, without checking the switch of the spindle protection. This feature can help you to insert the spindle protection more easily when the spindle remains in a low position.
  • Backup of parameters in memory: to be sure that the parameters of Goliath will never be unwantedly erased or lost, a backup of all the parameters is saved in external memory. If an anomaly happens to the parameters, FW autonomously checks the parameters with the backup and recovers them.

Bug fix

  • When Goliath needed to go very close to the panel borders, it use to rotate 90 degrees.
  • After Gcode-upload, there was a period of time in which if an error or pause happened, it would block the Goliath. Now, this period is removed, and Goliath can recover from pause and error from the beginning. Of course, if he can!
  • Removed the halt of Goliath’s work process caused by very small traces.


  • The procedure of calibrating motors is modified to make it more robust.
  • The booting time of goliath is increased, to be sure that a stable power supply is established before initializing internal modules.

Work in progress

Here in Springa we don’t like to be bored, so this month too we have been busy with various activities.

New projects

In the last update, we mentioned a preschool project we were working on. If you missed out on what it was, you can watch the new video we shot to tell you more about the project and its creation.

This project was made in collaboration with Playwood, an Italian company that invented special connectors designed to build three-dimensional objects from flat wood panels. Kids loved their splash of color!

Also, the great news is that we uploaded the project to our library and now you can download the file and create your own kids’ furniture!

Live event in Milano, Italy

Another great activity we dealt with this month was about the organization of two special events.

The first one was a physical event we planned with TheFabLab, an innovative fab lab in Milan with whom we collaborated to create some furniture for their offices at Talent Garden.

The event was attended by journalists and makers who wanted to see Goliath working live to create drawers and lockers directly on site! Stay tuned for the video of the event and the photos we took.

The on-site setup!

Live streaming demo

The second event we planned and organized is a streaming demo together with Wurth USA! We will be live on 3 November at 6 p.m. (CET time) showing Goliath in action and chatting about its features.

Join us from wherever you are, switch on the notification, and don’t miss the live stream!

User content

We are also finally starting to receive lots of photos and videos from our users who are receiving and making with Goliath! We are so happy to see you playing with it. Check them out!

Don’t forget to mention our @goliathcnc pages on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter so we don’t miss a single project.

Thank you and keep up the good work!
All the best, Lorenzo, Alessandro, and Davide, and the whole Springa team

You, Our community

Collectively, we are part of a greater project.

Collaborative by design, Goliath is the exemplification of teamwork and the result of a learning by doing process. Be a proud member of our community so you can inspire and be inspired by others.
Be part of the project, share your ideas.